Wednesday, February 27, 2008 --- I don't know how to balance blogging and a job outside of the house...I'm a failure!

I am having a bitch of a time trying to balance blogging and working outside of the house. It sucks because I was so regular with I just feel like a failure who can't manage her time. But the thing is, I'm doing laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. with whatever free time that is not taken up by sleeping and watching the few highly necessary television programs we like to watch each week. Ugh! In addition, I have a freelance website job going on -- for a certain Pilates studio in New York -- which I am very excited about -- but again, less free time for me and me-blog when I get home each day. Ah, well.

The other thing that has made me actually avoid blogging is my ongoing frustration with Blogger mistreating me and my post publishing process. I know that the best solution is to migrate to dynamic blogging (i.e. Wordpress) -- and I WILL do this! But, F*CK! I just don't have the time right I avoid...because Blogger can't piss me off if I don't blog!

One thing that we have been having fun with is KITTY CAM. I got a web cam for Christmas (which works independently from a computer -- just hooks up to our home network) that allows us to watch our cats when we are not home...or when we have our backs turned and we want to see what those little f*ckers are doing when we are not looking. Plus, their Grandma really likes to check in on them from Connecticut -- just to see how fat they are or to watch them playing. I don't know why I enjoy this so much, but I do. It's like I'm producing my own Feline reality tv show! Here are some still shots from the KITTY CAM as an animated GIF -- of Noodle the Cat.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008 --- Hey BLOGGER, have I mentioned lately that I hate your guts?

Blogger won't completely finish publishing my blog -- which means it's uploading incompletely and not updating all of my posts. I can tell that this is happening (aside from the obvious of them telling me) because the 02/2008 archive page gets published first and on it I have 2 comments for the previous post -- but on my main index page, it says I have 1 comment. Put it this way, Blogger is very unkind to FTP-uploading bloggers who made their own templates. I am getting so fed up with this crap that I am seriously thinking about creating a Wordpress blog -- except the amount of work involved with migrating and template modifications, well, quite simply, the thought makes me ill.


[It seems as though the closing embed tag keeps getting dropped when publishing -- which makes the song player not want to work in Mozilla -- probably cock-sucking-Blogger's fault...What else is new?]

So I ask ask you all...How easy is it set things up to publish with Wordpress instead of Blogger? I want to publish to my own hosted domain and I want to use my own template. And, unlike Blogger, I don't think that the entire blog needs to be republished every time I post a new post -- because the bigger the blog get the idea. How does publishing with Wordpress work/differ?

The comments are open!

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Monday, November 19, 2007 --- Felt like a spiffing up was in order...with NEW and IMPROVED Banner Action!

I was tired of my old banner -- it was boring me -- hence, the new one! Hope you all likes...if not, too bad. I also added a subtitle for the fun of it, changed my email envelope, and am considering changing the "About Me" text, but I haven't decided what to say yet. Another day.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007 --- The Infectious Music of Cansei de Ser Sexy...without the annoying commercial.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 --- A Virtual Meal by a Virtual Fire...for my friend, C.Wess Daniels in California!

Chicken with portabella mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and farfalle pasta -- served with a glass of Smoking Loon Pinot Noir...

By the fire as a "virtual meal" for my friend, C.Wess Daniels and at his other place on the net, here.

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--- What Google Analytics and my Feedjit tells me about visitors...

Who would have thought that my posts about facial symmetry studies (here and here) would bring so much weird "" traffic to my blog? Honestly, I think people must spend hours just looking for naked pictures of Amber Valletta and Amber-Valletta-look-a-likes on the internet -- because that's all they seem to be looking at when they come here from Germany, Philippines, Slovenia, Malaysia, etc.

Sure, I know where most of the real readers come from:

Hello California! Hello New York, Vermont, Illinois, Texas, Oregon, New Jersey, Washington, Indiana and Virginia (those are my top 10 reader states!) England? Hello Newcastle upon Tyne! Hello London, Pontypridd and Wembley! Canada? Hello Vancouver, Regina and Mississauga! And many others I haven't listed here. Hiya!

But then, it starts to get weird...Tell me, person in Kuwait -- did you find what you were looking for on The Butterfly Blog?? Of course, I should have known that a link to tassyPink or a passing reference to splosh porn would bring a few unexpected visitors...LOL! But tell me, why do a search for "sarah jessica parker nostrils"? "ahhhh push it push it"? "crooked smile after chin implant"? "loestrin birth control pill peculiar smell"? Really? "Dry+aching+armpits!" Ouch. "Does a butterfly have a nose"?

I must admit, that last one really intrigues me. In my opinion, questions like that are worth asking because they show a natural curiosity about the world around us. Bravo, I say! Go on, girl, with your Entomological-bad-self! However, why someone thinks I should have any "female pug dogs menstruation information" I'll never know...

What I do know is -- yep, last time I checked, I have a nose. [But, that's probably not what you meant, my Googling friend, huh? Sorry.]

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Saturday, October 27, 2007 --- WooHoo! My Twitter shirt has arrived, but it's too small...Technically, that would make it a BooHoo.

I tried to take a picture of my new (FREE!) Twitter T-shirt in the mirror, but then realized it was blurry...which is why I didn't bother to horizontal flip it for you bloggers to read correctly. This is my way of visually expressing how annoyed I am that I did not specify in my request for an XL that it be a MENS XL, not a WOMENS XL!

Okay, here's a better picture pointing the camera directly at my...ahem...twits.

Normally, these girlie-sized tees are fine -- if they are made in a stretchier fabric that gives a little bit when you need to move! And sure, I know the male bloggers (and some of the female ones, too) are probably not complaining about the way boobs look in it...But, it is not very comfortable to wear when you feel like you are in a hot brown straight-jacket.

I wrote Crystal at Twitter Support another email to request an XL MENS so that I can sleep in my Twitter shirt -- like I had originally intended -- comfortably. Hopefully, they will send me another one...Yes, mom, I asked them nicely!

I am boiling -- I need a cool beverage!

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Thursday, October 25, 2007 --- Some things I would trade for a spleen...I mean, a Spleenal action figure!

This is a post for my blogging buddy, spleenal. He's swapping spleenal action figures (blank ones for bloggers to decorate themselves, and then, share pictures of their creations to post on his blog!) for neato things of your own. So, Spleenal, here's what I've got in lieu of splosh porn...

For the spleenal Christmas tree -- a handmade ornament from New Hampshire -- a wooden bluebird on a perch. Or, if you happen to be Jewish, he could hang out in a bushy houseplant just for fun? OR...

A funny little bug in a box, complete with wiggly legs that move when you shake him? OR...

A little wire wind-up robot that jumps around on his rubber-booted feet?

Whaddya think? I tried to think of cool little things of mine that were inexpensive (as per your guideline) while still the spirit of my toys for your toys!

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Monday, October 22, 2007 --- Ok, my bloggy friends, let's try this again...Starbuck's Song of the Day Swap, Sweetened.

Since no one has stopped by here lately to take me up on my Starbuck's Song of the Day Swap offer -- I have gained another extra Song of the Day card. So, now we have 2, count 'em, 2 FREE songs to trade for other different songs -- OR, you can trade something else interesting! Whatchagot??

You people may force me to throw in a custom designed banner or Flash animation for your blog, but I hope it doesn't come to that...You'll have to be trading something pretty good for me to whore myself out! ;-D

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--- Amazing moments in Karaoke!

He needs to work on the physical aspects of his Axl impression, but the voice part is pretty great, considering the probable level of intoxication...

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Saturday, October 20, 2007 --- Wanna Swap? Starbuck's Trading Card Day!

Okay, so, you know how Starbuck's has this Song of the Day promotion going on with iTunes? Well, today, the man and I went to Starbuck's and we received 2 cards -- obviously, we don't need both. Anybody out there got an extra card you don't need from another day that you wanna swap for today's (10/20/07) song? No Kenny Chesney, please.

Drop me an email and we can exchange download codes -- 'cause hey, free music is fun!

If you don't have a Starbuck's card, but have something else cool to trade, let me know. I'm open. Besides, it might be more fun to do a "totally random items, interweb swap meet..." Whatchagot, bloggy friends?

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Friday, October 19, 2007 --- I must have you, Lime NmG...I love you!

Oh, if only I were independently'd be on your way from Ohio to my loving arms NmG! *sighs*

See what this little cutie is all about at the Myers Motors website.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007 --- Non Sequitur Day...The neighbors are cooking weird-smelling food and I love this T-shirt!

Yeah, my thoughts for today are a little bit disjointed because I am having a bad stomach ache and headache combo, with a side of gas. That said, my neighbors are cooking weird smelling food that is kind of making me feel sicker. In an effort to cheer myself up...I give you this picture from the very funny WWW.BUSTEDTEES.COM! Whenever you feel down, the T-shirts can give you a good dose of giggle.

Now, I'm going to excuse myself to the bathroom...

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Sunday, October 14, 2007 --- I have been sick...Baby Steps Toward A Greener Life...Part 3

In the midst of my popping Benadryl capsules, smearing Vicks VapoRub on my nose (Yes, despite the directions on the jar, I have always smeared VapoRub on my nose when I am sick to help me breathe!), sneezing and constant nose-blowing -- I have managed to incorporate another "green" change. It's a small one, but every bit helps, right?

That's right, instead of using one tissue after another during the course of my cold, I have opted to start using handkerchiefs! A hankie can be used many more times than the 2-3 nose-blows possible with a tissue. And, when they have gotten sufficiently "soiled", I can throw them in the wash and use them again and again...and again! It occurred to me that it was a great option that was sitting right under my nose [pun very much intended, LOL] because we had a large quantity of brand new handkerchiefs already in our closet. I had brought them home a couple of years ago and forgot about them -- one of the many things salvaged from the man's daddy's house after he died. Ever the old-fashioned-gentleman, Pop had packs and packs of brand new handkerchiefs -- as well as boxes upon boxes of brand new towels, never-worn shirts, every suit ever bought, every pair of shoes, every scrap of anything, etc. Yeah, he had a hording problem...Anyway, it seemed a shame to just toss them and pointless to donate handkerchiefs, so I thought, "These could be useful..." and took them home.

Now, not only is that usefulness proving to be very true, but the man and I have the added benefit of being able to make jokes about my using "another one of Pop's hankies" every time I blow my nose! I like the idea that he stays in our minds and in our lives, in this simple every-day-way, even though he is gone. I like to think this comforts the man.

Aside from my current cold, I periodically suffer from allergies and frequent sneezing -- I sometimes feel like I am forever blowing my nose. Handkerchiefs are much softer than tissues and better for the environment. I am enjoying them in spite of my nasal misery. So, thanks Pop...You are helping us "be greener" from the grave!

Related posts: Baby Steps Part 1, Baby Steps Part 2.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007 --- Tomorrow is...The Great Mofo Delurk 2007!

Tomorrow is the day for all blog-lurking MOFOs to come out of the shadows! Let yourselves be known -- say hello, leave a comment, tell me a little somethin' somethin' about yourselves. Be generous! Break your anonymous habits for the day and leave a comment on all of the blogs you read (stalk) tomorrow. Share the love, Lurkers, stand up and be counted! ;-D

The Great Mofo Delurk 2007 was created by the fine ladies, Schmutzie, Sweetney and JenAndTonic.

You can read more about the inspiration behind The Great Mofo Delurk 2007 on Schmutzie's blog at: She also created the lovely button(s) for TGMD -- you can grab the code for embedding them on your own blog at the same link.

For those of you who have a colored background to your blog (like me!) and don't want to use the white-backgrounded .JPG version of the button that Schmutzie provides -- I have re-purposed Schmutzie's buttons as transparent .PNG files that you can download in a zip file here. They will show up like mine above -- no white background! You will need to host the image on your own site and the code that Schmutzie originally provided will need to be changed like so:

<a href="" title="The Great Mofo Delurk 2007"><img src="" title="The Great Mofo Delurk 2007" border="0" /></a>

REMEMBER: You need to set the "color" in front of .PNG to the name of the color you are using (black, green, red, pink, purple, grey, blue and orange). ENJOY!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007 --- Baby Steps Toward A Greener Life...Part 2

Today, the cats went green! Yes, it is official, we have switched over to 100% biodegradable, Eco-friendly cat litter. As I mentioned in Part 1 of "Baby Steps Toward A Greener Life", we will be trying out two kinds of litter side by side -- one made with wheat and one made with corn -- both pictured at left.

In terms of color, texture and smell -- they are virtually indistinguishable -- as you can see here -- sorry, we are not a Scratch-N-Sniff blog at this point, so you can't smell. World's Best Cat Litter is in the green box, Swheat Scoop is in the red box. They both smell very natural, like feeds for livestock on a farm. There was certainly a lot less dust when I poured them into the boxes, which was nice! As my Twitter friend, margalit mentioned in the comments of the previous Part 1 post, we have already made note of the fact that World's Best (corn) costs twice as much as Swheat Scoop (wheat). The Swheat Scoop came in a 40lb. bag and the World's Best came in a 17lb. bag which cost almost the same price. Obviously, we will most likely stick with the Swheat Scoop in the future, but for the purpose of evaluation, etc. we are trying both right now. Thus far, the cats have liked (and used!) both boxes without any adjustment problems. Of course, we do have unusually cooperative, well-behaved cats so this does not surprise me too much. And, NO, that is not our bathtub -- we have a second bathroom that is designated as the Cat Bathroom -- where we keep the cat litters in the tub with a shower curtain drawn. This gives them a pleasing amount of privacy, keeps the boxes out of human sight, and more importantly, keeps cat litter from being all over our apartment (because it drops off of their paws as they jump out of the tub). We still use the toilet and sink in there -- which works out fine for everyone -- we just need to vacuum out the tub once or twice a week during our normal apartment cleaning activities...that sounds pretty funny now that I put it in writing...vacuuming out the tub!

Anyway, we are happy about this new transition. The urine appears to clump very well in both types of litter. And, as per Margalit's additional advice, we are not flushing our clumps (even though we do not have a low flush toilet) -- we have old newspapers saved under the bathroom sink -- I use 2-3 sheets of newspaper to scoop litter onto, and then, wrap up the waste into a 100% biodegradable packet that can go out with the trash. So, no more need for the plastic supermarket bags. Great!

Speaking of which, we used our new canvas bags at the supermarket last weekend. People did look at us funny at the registers which amused me, but also made me feel proud (?) in a weird way. In addition, we saved .03 cents per bag used on our grocery bill which is not much, but it still feels like a reward. Maybe this next thing is just a serendipitous coincidence, but I stopped into the supermarket again today -- and they are now selling reusable bags at the registers which were never there before! Were the supermarket managers (or workers) influenced to make this change by seeing us with our bags? Or was it already in the works?? I do not know and I do not need to know -- I am purely excited by the fact that it has happened -- whatever the cause! ;-D

Some other small changes we have an effort to reduce the amount of plastic wrap and the number of Ziploc bags we use, we are washing out Ziploc bags and reusing them many times before disposal. Basically, we will be using them until they develop a hole or tear. It is amazing how long these suckers last -- which is why they are a problem in the first place, huh?

We have always had a Brita water filter container in our refrigerator, but we are making an effort to eliminate buying any bottled water when we are out and about. We have saved a few plastic bottles that we fill up at home and take with us rather than buying new ones. The idea of buying water has always been ridiculous -- so this is an easy thing to feel good about from a "saving money" standpoint as well as the plastic and waste issues.

Another recent change...for my intermittent struggle with Starbuck's Mocha Frappuccino addiction...I bought this reusable travel cup which will hold any grande-sized beverage purchased from my local pusher. It is easy enough to take it with me, eliminates the need for all of those wasted disposable plastic cups...AND, I save .10 cents off of my purchase when I bring my own cup! Cool beans, indeed.

We are also making a real effort to recycle properly by making it a more efficient, do-able task. We use the same canvas bags for the supermarket to keep purely recyclable-only items separate from the ones with refund deposits. When it is time to go to the supermarket again, we just grab the canvas bags as usual already filled with our presorts. This makes it very easy to dump the recyclables in the bins outside on the way to the car, and then, we take the deposit refund recyclables with us to the supermarket to get our money back. If we sort as we use and bind the new habit with a well-established habit (going to the store) -- it is much more likely that we will follow through consistently. Plus, it keeps the recycling under control -- nothing is worse than lugging 2-3 months worth of cans and bottles to the supermarket -- at least, until one has children to do that for exercise and spending money! ;-) LOL

Semi-related side note: Twitter friend, cwdaniels made mention of our "Baby Steps" project post on his blog here. Thanks, Wess! You can also read his great post about his own efforts at more sustainable living. Or, check out the rest of his blog at for more good reads! :-D

Unrelated side note: Twitter friend, margalit recently went to the hospital for another congestive heart failure incident -- if you would like to send her some kind-thought-vibes via Twitter or her blog at, I am sure she would love to hear from you. She's very kind to strangers... ;-) Feel better, margalit!

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007 --- Baby Steps Toward A Greener Life...Our realistic plan for making small, eco-friendly changes in our home for a cumulative impact.

9/25/07 UPDATE: Be sure to read the comments section of this post as well -- more interesting links, podcast info, etc. ;-D V

One of the things I have been really enjoying, since the upgrade/changes to our cable service sometime back in the Spring(?), has been the addition of the Sundance Channel. Aside from wonderful indie films, they also have a fair amount of Eco-related programming, known as "The Green" which I find fascinating. One of my favorite programs -- "It's Not Easy Being Green" -- documents the Strawbridge family and their self-sufficiency project. They picked themselves up and moved to Cornwall, England to create a completely "green" existence -- producing no waste and eliminating their dependence on fossil fuels. To me, it is a very exciting and inspiring show. But, it is also quite daunting and discouraging.

As apartment dwellers, I have often felt that while the man and I may want to live a more environmentally-conscious life, apartment dwelling by its very nature means that almost everything about your living space is not under your control. The appliances do not belong to us, we did not choose the water-heating system, going solar is not an option, I can't remove the cancer-causing vinyl siding, etc. You get the picture. While these shows can be inspiring, realistically, the average person cannot afford to just pick up and move somewhere to create a "Green Utopia". Oftentimes, it feels like making "real" changes are not in the cards for us until we own our own home -- and even then, I have a feeling that some of the changes I dream about will not be affordable for us. But I can dream...and I will. And, hopefully, it will be possible.

Another thing I have been very into over the past year has been Eco-related podcasts. Before we had the Sundance Channel, I was already watching their Eco Biz video podcasts, as well as some other great podcasts I have found on iTunes. One of my best discoveries has been a podcast from Personal Life Media called Living Green: Effortless Ecology for Everyday People. Host Meredith Medland interviews people from all areas of the Green Movement -- scientists, activists, concerned famous folks, "green" business owners and regular people who have made remarkable changes to their planetary impact through their daily choices. She talks a great deal about the "psychology of green" -- about changing people's mindset regarding what it means to be "green" in the first place. It's not "just for tree huggers" anymore, baby! It needs to become such a habitual, natural part of life, that you wouldn't think to do anything else. That is the only way that substantial, significant change can making it an integral part of our culture, NOW...through podcasts and other media, activism, research and development of new technologies, architecture, etc. When consumers have better choices and affordable choices for greening -- why wouldn't they choose to do the right thing? A big part of what Meredith tells people is that they need to "remove their guilt" about not being "green enough." Make small, daily changes -- stick with them, build upon them -- before you know it, you will have made many! And, you will feel good about it...which will inspire you to continue doing it. When you look at it that way, it seems do-able. Pick something and try it!

During the course of Meredith Medland's many informative interviews with all types of fascinating folks, she introduced a lady named Jen Boulden. Jen Boulden is a co-founder with Heather Stephenson of Essentially, Ideal Bite is just that -- a manageable "bite of daily green" -- a website that delivers easy and realistic, Eco-friendly tips via email Monday-Friday to get you on the gradual road to Greentown. The tips are so easy to do, you will be making changes in no time! Plus, they offer great information on products to replace the more harmful ones you may be buying really helps to support the businesses that are concerned about supporting the planet and the consumer, not just their bank accounts. The more we support them, the more commonplace environmentally conscious companies will be.

One of the disturbing things I have learned from these podcasts -- how bad scoopable clumping cat litter is for the environment -- as well as for human and animal health. Not only is it destructive because of the strip-mining for clay, but it is not biodegradable, it is clogging and filling landfills at an alarming rate with its expanding-cement-like-presence, the clay is filled with carcinogenic silica dust, if that wasn't enough...the major clumping agent is sodium bentonite which is poisonous. Between breathing the cancer-dust (us and the cats), licking the poison-dust through grooming (just the cats), and what it is doing to the earth and landfills...there is nothing good about it. I had long suspected it was probably bad, but in the absence of actually "knowing", I continued using the litter.

This got me thinking. Because it was more than just the cat litter. For a long time, I have been really disturbed by the quantity of plastic bags that we have after a trip to the grocery store. I can not remember the last time I was in a grocery store that still offers a choice of paper or plastic? At least the paper would be biodegradable...even if it still kills trees to produce it. My theory had always been, since I needed to scoop the cat litter, I would save the bags and "recycle" them by using them for the disposal of cat waste. It wasn't recycling exactly -- more like "reusing" before its eventual trip to the landfill...stuffed with my carcinogenic, poison-chemical-laden, cat feces and urine. All I was doing was delaying the trip, not really recycling anything. But, these are the little mental games we play with ourselves while we are busy scooping poop. This was no longer acceptable to me. Period.

So, the question became, how do I eliminate my dependence on these plastic bags while still having the cleanliness of a scoopable clumping cat litter? Could I find an Earth-friendly, biodegradable cat litter that still made scoopable clumps? That maybe I could flush instead of putting in the bags?

I did some research and found this cat litter made from corn. 100% natural, biodegradable, scoopable, flushable, so-safe-you-can-eat-it cat litter made from corn!

I also found this cat litter made from wheat. 100% natural, biodegradable, scoopable, flushable, so-safe-you-can-eat-it cat litter made from wheat!

All right, so maybe no one is going to eat it, but the point is -- our cats can lick themselves without ingesting silica dust and sodium bentonite!!

We plan on trying both formulas, side-by-side, to make a decision about which one will work best for us. As the current litter, Ever Clean, starts to dwindle inside the big 28lb. box in our spare bathroom (3 Extra Pounds Free!) -- we are growing very excited about our next trip to the pet supply store...Our cats are about to make the leap into Eco-friendly bowel movements! Now the frogs won't be the only "green" pets in our household...

In preparation for our No-More-Plastic-Bags-Transition, I am very proud to show all of you the 100%-Cotton canvas bags (12 to start!) that I bought (pretty cheap at Michael's) for us to use at our local supermarket. I am very excited about this. I invite the stares. I welcome the smiles and questions. I anticipate the possibility that someone will see us shopping this way...and decide to go out and get their own bags. And maybe, just maybe, some of you darling readers will be inspired to start making some "baby-steps-changes" of your own -- and tell me about it! Send me pictures, send me stories, I would love to hear about what you are doing -- or have decided to do. I'll post them here so that we can share our ideas and progress.

We have some other ideas that we will be implementing in our home. As they occur, I will talk about them here on the Butterfly Blog. I imagine by this time next year, that my list of "changes made" will have grown in number -- at least, I hope so. I look forward to seeing it happen! Go Team Green!

[Photo Credits]
"It's Not Easy Being Green" photo from:
"Living Green" graphic from:
"Ideal Bite Logo" graphic from:
"Ever Clean Cat Litter" photo from:
"World's Best Cat Litter" photo from:

"Swheat Scoop" photo from:

"Nutmeg and Plastic" and "12 Canvas Bags" photos by the butterfly. That's Me!

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Saturday, September 8, 2007 ---, your widget is really getting on my nerves... :-(

For a few months, I had the "Music Like..." widget in my sidebar. You all may have actually played some music from it in the past. (??) It was nifty.

Lately, I was noticing that when I clicked play (usually while I am writing a blog post, I will play it to listen to something while I write, etc.) the first song played completely, but then, the songs that followed would play about 4-5 seconds before skipping to another song snippet of 4-5 seconds...over and over...and over. It was like channel surfing against my will. Little "preview" snippets of songs, one after the other.

I don't know if this is a problem with -- perhaps it is a glitch? -- I don't remember this happening in the past. Maybe, there was a trial period on for the widget, and then, it was meant to stop working? Who knows? [Maybe one of my readers who uses knows something about this? Let me know if I missed something.]

Anyway, it was annoying me. I decided to scrap it and substitute in my own player -- because I already have plenty of musical content available from my WBFR radio project that I could use. Now, you will see in the sidebar my own radio player that will play music at random from my personal library. Currently, it is playing from the WBFR_dance and WBFR_winter_2007 mixes. I will keep adding more songs to the XML playlist that pulls the music from my WBFR project, but I also need to add some newer content. Eventually. The point is, my own radio station player will not annoy me and will be more reliable. Hopefully, some of you will enjoy the music. There is some really good stuff in there, if I do say so myself. ;-)

For more information on any of the artists or albums, send me an email (check the sidebar for the address) or leave me a comment. I am always happy to talk music.

[NOTE TO SELF: You'll have to sub-out the widget on The Daily Lizzard also...a future task...with uploaded music to suit the Jazz-theme we have going on over there...Fun! Yeah, very future task.]

UPDATE: Put together some fast and dirty content for The Daily Lizzard's radio player yesterday (! was really bugging me!) because I had some free time while I was waiting for somebody...And, I am excited to say that not only does she have some really great jazzy music to play over there, but a lot of it is from indie artists who deserve exposure -- so this is really nice all around. Plus, I used a beautiful color-coordinated player for her blog that I love. Take a listen if you have the it in the background while you surf the web...You'll feel like you are in the Lizzard's personal Jazz Lounge with martinis for everyone! But, I'd like an Amaretto Sour, please! [The more sour, the better...with an orange slice and cherry...K-thx, bai.]

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Monday, September 3, 2007 --- Casual Gameplay...We love Jay Bibby and JIG!

I picked up this fun little game from one of my favorite sites -- Casual Gameplay at!

It is called JIG. The object? Put the pieces in order to complete the scene. Play it, enjoy it, let Jay know that you like it (at his site)...and, you can even support it by adding it to your own site!

[ The code can be found at on the sidebar. ]

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--- Latest pictures of the new baby...

Playing around with my Picasa Web Albums -- thought I would share a slideshow of today's pictures of Nutmeg (a.k.a. Schmegs, Meggie, Schmeggie and Nutschmegs.)

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Sunday, July 29, 2007 --- Silence of the Lambs...the Mosaic!

I'm tellin' ya...those folks over at Twitter Mosaic sure do like my butterfly icon! I was a little bummed that I was not in the Transformers mosaic, but that is A-OK because I think the Silence of the Lambs one turned out much better. You can see my "occurrences" in the picture on the left -- or the original versions with the members list at -- and of course, you can follow twitter_mosaic to become a "part of the art."

In cat news, Trudy-the-Cat has her ultrasound appointment tomorrow (Monday) at 3PM. She's not allowed to eat for 12 hours before the appointment -- before I go to bed, I have to take away everybody's food (Eat up, Cats!! You only have a few more hours...) We will finally find out what is going on with this cat's liver so they can get her on some medicine to help it -- or we find out something worse (hopefully not) and make her as comfortable as she can be, until it is time to say goodbye. It will be a rip-roaring drive to the specialist's office, drooling all the way...Good Luck, ChooChoo!

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Monday, July 23, 2007 --- You have got to watch this...I don't even know what to say about it.

One of my Twitter buddies had this on her blog (margalit) and I just could not resist sharing it here with my small audience...Hungry, hungry Hippo!

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Saturday, July 21, 2007 --- Made a slight change to my template...Let me know if you prefer it?

You may have noticed (or not!) that there are now dotted lines underneath the title of each post and above the footer of each post...I was experimenting with this because it seemed to me that it was hard to tell where one post ended and the next began? I had a good amount of space between each post before, but it seemed like it still needed more delineation. So, I have made the change here on TBB for you all to get a feel for it first -- you can compare it with mom's blog at tDL, which is still in the "space only" format. If you like this better, I will make the change on her's too.

Thanks in advance for your comments!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007 --- The Great Twitter Mosaic...I am in it again!

Remember my recent post where I mentioned that I was part of the Big Blue Marble Negative Twitter Mosaic?? For those who do not, you can refer to it here.

Well, the newest mosaic has just been completed -- Soylent Green -- I made it in again! This time my icon is more rare...I was only able find it once. Which is kind of cool, I think, that it had its perfect spot with no repeats. You can see the original picture and the list of included folks (who knows, you might be in it!) at -- also, you can become a part of future mosaics by adding twitter_mosaic to your Twitter friends' list.

And, of course, you can see my modified version of the picture where I circled my occurrence here.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007 --- Produce mother and child...

butterfly has sent you a clip...

butterfly's Message:
Baby Carrot learns to walk!

Artist: Terry Border
Title: "Baby Steps"

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007 --- am having a cuteness-sugar-rush!

butterfly has sent you a clip...

butterfly's Message:
I think I may get diabetes from the sweetness of this little darling that was born in Japan recently...oh God, where is Claus von Bülow when you actually NEED an insulin injection???

clipped from
Puppy / Reuters
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Monday, July 9, 2007 --- Blogger and FTP Publishing difficulties...oh boy.

Been having some problems with publishing to my blog...I write posts and try to publish them...and get the dreaded "Publishing taking longer than expected...blah blah blah." Eventually, hours later, the posts will arrive on the blog. There is no such thing as a "spontaneous post" to my blog when this garbage is going on. And if I decide to edit or add something, that will take hours to appear on the blog. Very, very annoying. Been going on for a few weeks. I called my host service -- nothing useful. But, I think I found some actual help on resolving the issue from one of the kind folks in the Google/Blogger Help Group. Doesn't happen very often, but once in a while, someone answers...and actually knows what s/he is talking about when it comes to the question being asked. Which is refreshing -- as compared to the responses where the person just generically refers you to Blogger Help -- as if you haven't read all of those articles already. So thanks, nitecruzr. It seems as though your writings on FTP/Blogger problems may have fixed my issue. This post is a test of that...

In the meantime, I felt I needed some virtual flowers to pick up my spirits. Because the Trudy-ChooChoo-Cat has been trying our patience something awful. We had a horrible time with trying to medicate her today -- getting clawed, bleeding, foaming at the mouth, wasting pills, getting pissed with her, getting pissed with each other while getting pissed at get the idea. She is impossible! But, by 11PM?+/- I found a method of wrapping her in the towel that works much better for keeping her "blades of death" out of our skin. Doesn't help us with the drooling and foaming, the biting and the Exorcist-head-turning theatrics that she puts on to keep us from easily putting anything in her mouth -- BUT, it does give us a better chance with those challenges when we are not screaming in pain from being slashed by her. So that's good. It is a good thing she is a wonderful cat in every other way because this shit is for the birds. Seriously.

Ok then, enjoy my virtual flowers! Aren't they pretty? They make me feel better (even if they are just imaginary!)

UPDATE: Yes, the test seems to show that the fixes worked! YAY! Thanks, nitecruzr, again!

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Saturday, July 7, 2007 --- More than meets the eye...and other stories.


Acting was great -- totally believed that the actors were terrified and/or interacting "with" the robots (which is hard to do when nothing is there) -- and Shia LaBeouf was really funny. Effects were un-fucking-believable. Story kept me on the edge of my much so, that I refused to take a bathroom break...even though I needed to pee really, really badly. And, amazingly, I was in-major-love with the robots by the end -- as if they were actual people. I thought I would cry when it seemed BumbleBee was going to die. Optimus Prime, I love you. [swoon] Anthropomorphizing rules.

One question though...Why no female-voiced Transformers? Maybe the sequel will have some? Just a thought.

On the Fourth of July, we saw this little number (because Transformers was sold out for the whole afternoon) -- which was just fine. Why? Because this movie was Hi-lar-i-ous...HILARIOUS! Possibly...funnier than The 40-Year-Old Virgin...?? Maybe. I am not entirely sure. But, I think so. It is hard to quantify the hysteria-factor when the movies do not occur back-to-back for comparison, but I am willing to go out on a limb and say it was.

This has been a great week for movies, indeed. I think I want the DVDs of both of these babies when they come out. Yeah, they're that good.

What else? Oh yeah, we had a day of hell in the feline arena. This mother f*cking cat can NOT be made to take a pill or swallow a liquid medication OR HOLD STILL FOR ANYTHING OR ANYONE!!!! Maine Coons are known for not liking to be held and being rather wriggly...And Trudy is the worst. The worst! And the quantity of drool that accompanies ANY amount of stress is incomprehensible. We wasted 3 pills today just trying to get them down. They all became mush. We tried to hide them in Tuna...NO GO. We tried to dissolve them and syringe blast them down her throat...NO GO. We suffered several personal injuries and have lots of holes in our T-shirts that were not there before. We lost more than a milliliter of the precious liquid medication that needed to be swallowed, but instead was splashed all over the bathroom in a shower of drool and antibiotics. So glad we have several more weeks of this to look forward to...Finally, after the many failed attempts, lost patience, and the addition of sweatshirts and leather gloves, we finally got the crap liquid antibiotics and the pill down. I can hardly wait for the morning when we start again.... ;-(

Here is something exciting. the_butterfly aka my Twitter identity, is part of the Big Blue Marble Twitter Mosaic. Don't know what I am talking about? Well, this Twitter person(s) collects the little avatar pictures that everyone uses on Twitter to ID themselves -- and uses them to create intricate mosaic pictures of works of art, photographs, etc. [Add twitter_mosaic to your friends' list and you could be in the future mosaics!] You can see these mosaics at the Twitter Mosaic Blog which is at Anyway, I was included in the "Big Blue Marble: Negative Mosaic". It is easiest to look at it first on the mosaic blog, but then, you can also see my saved copy of the image where I have circled the occurrences of my butterfly picture -- where I could spot it so far in the mosaic (not easy!) ;-D WooHoo! See it here.

Okay, this has been one of my longest posts in a very long time. As juvenile as it gushing over my Transformer-Love...and the Knocked Up versus 40-Year-Old Virgin debate...and other stories of fame...and misery...

I am now tired and must fold some fresh laundry that is about to finish in the dryer before I go to bed. So g'nite

[Photos source: Yahoo! Movies]

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Sunday, July 1, 2007 --- Blind Melon Cat, you make me laugh. Thank you!

butterfly has sent you a clip...

butterfly's Message:
Remember the Bee Girl? Meet the Bee Cat...Blind Melon would be so proud!

 clipped from
All I can say is dat my life is pretty plain.
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Thursday, June 28, 2007 --- Wow...Clearly, I need to use more curse words!

Online Dating

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

* hell (3x)
* bitches (1x)

How is that possible??? I could swear (pun intended) that I have said more bad words than that...surely? Maybe I have kept it clean for the youths? I don't know why. No one reads my blog anyway. [INSERT SAD VIOLIN MUSIC HERE.]

I should just curse like a sailor from now on...LET IT FLY, V! I'm going for Rated R, c**ksuckers!!! [Drat it. It is precisely that kind of self-censorship which stands in the way of seeing my rating dreams fulfilled...pffft!]

**In all honesty, I don't think Mingle2's service has thoroughly scanned my blog...there's just no way I could be that clean. ;-)

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007 --- Oh, man...This site is right up our Hermanitis-Alley!

butterfly has sent you a clip...

butterfly's Message:
Bookmark this site ASAP for your daily dose of hilarious passive-aggressiveness.

Sadly, I see a lot of my own behavior in some of these notes --- I always thought my well-thought-out-zinger signs in the work bathroom were a proactive public service to an invisible brown-bomber (and other, more unmentionable bathroom crimes!) Personally, I think leaving one's waste in the toilet for others to view is rather passive-aggressive, but apparently I am the passive-aggressive one! Who'da thunk it?

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Monday, June 11, 2007 --- We're mad as hell...and we're not going to take it anymore!

And now...





In your ASS, LIONS!!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007 --- Totally tired, but satisfied for the moment with the web...

YUP, she's UP!

WWW.LIZZIESUE.COM --- check it, Bitches!

In other news, a dissatisfyingly low number of my invites signed up for's so easy to use and fun --- works with IM, web, Mobile texting, and MacUsers can use a nifty application called Twitterrific so that they can Tweet (and get tweets) right from their desktop! Not to mention the neato Twittervision where you can watch what people are doing in real-time, all over the world on a GoogleMap/Twitter interface. I mean come on, was on NPR, so you know it has to be cool!!!

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Friday, June 1, 2007 --- Well, I am almost done...

I am proud to say that the official (main) website is very close to being finished. It should be chock full of very cute graphics when it is done! The hardest part has really been the writing of the content. It's not that I can't write, but when it comes to creating graphics versus writing, I am definitely more comfortable with and motivated to do the art rather than the writing. The idea was to keep it light and fun --- in line with Lizzie Sue's unique personality --- while still being marketed well.

Also, it has been slow going because I got caught up in other things and this was less of a priority. But, it is also important to finish it because it is functioning as another example of my "web work." So, stay tuned...I think you will like it :)

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Monday, May 28, 2007 --- Heavy on video this month...ugh!

I have a lot of YouTube content on this main blog page this month. I'm putting in this post to push more longer-to-load items off the current post page and into the archives...This way, there won't be as much competition with the Twitter items for loading the page. Get all that?? No worries. I just have to resist putting soooo many videos on the blog. But it is hard to resist :)

I am tired, but excited that all my "features" are working nicely. Later days!

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Sunday, May 27, 2007 --- Twitter Bug...Wooohooooooo

I am now a Twitter bug. Cool beans. And it was pretty easy to set up. It lets people know what you are up to in real time -- by web, by IM and by text message from a cellphone. But no more than 140 characters in which to express yourself. It's meant to be quick and on the fly...perfect for the butterfly :) I love it!

Sooooo, in addition to my Twitter Bug at the top of the blog, I also have an RSS feed for Twitter (under the FEEDS section of my sidebar)! Neato.

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Friday, May 25, 2007 --- Some new features and fixes to The Butterfly Blog!

For those of you who enjoy XML FEEDS:
I only recently discovered that my "Comments" feeds for Atom and RSS were not working correctly --- they were directed to the regular Post feed, instead of the Comments. This has been rectified! Now you can see what I say in my posts as well as the nasty comments that people leave for me...LOL just kidding :) You are all very nice people!

Wanna Search TBB??
I have added a dandy little Google-powered "Search" field so that you all can search the blog with keywords. As Google continues to crawl the blog pages, this search will get better at finding stuff in the blog (takes time.)

For those of you who enjoy searching by using an INDEX:
I have added a TBB SITE MAP that will provide all my posts in Monthly Archives, Daily Archives with Post Titles and Archives Sorted by Labels....I will try to update this monthly???

Wowsa. And of course, all of these changes have been implemented over at the Daily Lizzard as well. Enjoy! :)

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Friday, May 4, 2007 --- In music news...people you should know about!

So we have all heard of The Sneeze, haven't we? Ya know, the guy who is "Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions..." Well, if you haven't, you should check out his blog. But, I have said all of this before. That's not why I am here today --- at least not directly.

The reason for today's entry? Steve has long extolled the virtues of his favorite band (and friends), Cloud Cult. And, I am ashamed to say that I never paid those particular posts of his much mind because they were usually regarding Cloud Cult performances in his native Los Angeles area. Being on the East Coast myself, I skimmed onto his more funny "haha" material. However, today, I listened to the YouTube video post on The Sneeze for Cloud Cult's song, Pretty Voice. Then, I clicked on another song...and another song...then, I went to the Cloud Cult website and launched the "Wimpy Player." All I can say is: Wow! I have been a fool.

If you are looking for some new musical goodness to add to your collection, you should check them out. They just might be the diamond you need in your daily rough. :)

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007 --- No time for anything...or maybe just no energy to do anything?

Yeah, I have nothing to say...This cat really frickin' amuses me though! We spent the weekend in NY emptying more shit out of the house (the endless project) and sleeping in CT at mom's and her man's place. So, we had a good time with the family and ate really well at night -- the days just sucked.

Other than that, not much else to say. Been doing some learning with creating secure web folders, guest FTP accounts, etc. Pretty boring.

"Shoot 'em up kitty" credit --- from kaizersoze124_

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________ - THE BUTTERFLY BLOG - Copyright ©2007 Vanessa Lee Hamlen. All rights reserved.

Would it kill ya?

What I Am Doing...

Follow the_butterfly at

Twitter Balloon code developed by korelab

About Me

I am a graphic designer. I love animals and have quite a few pets. There is a frustrated DJ inside of me --- hence, my ongoing obsession with making music mixes.

Recent Posts


Musical Goodness

-- Music from Butterfly's personal library --

LORI'S LABOR: A collection of 6 unique playlists with varying intensity and mood for your listening pleasure! I created these original mixes for my friends to use during the labor and delivery of their first baby, Nicholas.

You can visit their blog here: ---> The Bridenstines!

Listen to my comical, purposefully nasal, total HAM-job submission to the 2007 Blogger Christmahanukwanzaakah Online Holiday Concert in the mini-player above!
Links and Friends

vanessa lee hamlen
towhead productions
lizzie sue
the Daily Lizzard
joe hinsburg
fleck family
katie haverly music
joe sorren art
the sneeze
archie mcphee toys
eric joyner robot art
nishant choksi illustration
neth creatures
grammar girl
go fug yourself
jeffrey fulvimari art
don't click it
favourite website awards
paul neave
jared tarbell flash art
liquid journey flash art
my pet skeleton
tobie giddio fashion illustration
van beater art
pure breed revolution
pixel girl
jay bibby game reviews
the mighty jimbo
be the boy
sweet blog o' mine
bent objects - sculpture blog
terry border art
anne taintor - vintage gift items
anne...straight from the hip
the naked rabbit world power foundation
i can has cheezburger
passive aggressive notes
citizen of the month
the daly blog
craxy's blog
john's adventures
guerrilla gardening
kung foodie
this is blythe
deron cohen art
life student
hug nation
march of the hugmobile
tales from the dad side
ikea hacker
easy being green
marc johns's blog - mildly amusing drawings
ideal bite - easy green living ideas
gathering in light - c. wess daniels
schmutzie's milkmoney or not, here i come
we are rantasaurus rex, hear us roar
the "blog" of "unnecessary" quotation marks
lyrical venus
the world's most local burger
readymade: instructions for everyday life
giant microbes
busted tees
inarticulate fumblings
i am the diva
wesley riot
queen of spain
in palinode's palace
mustaches of the nineteenth century
sera faery NEW! - the daily overdosage NEW!

DO NOT CLICK on the following links if you are under the age of 18! These blogs are not for you...

really bent
where i vent my spleen
cocky bastard
tassy pink

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Want to contact the butterfly? Vanessa would love to hear from you! NO SPAM, PLEASE...


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IF YOU ARE ON TWITTER: You can use this button to twit about my blog in your tweets!

HELP HINT: To send an individual post, click on the Permalink TimeStamp at the bottom of a post -- then, click my TwitThis! button here.

All We Are Twittering...

These are the twittering friends that I follow...Why don't you join us? It's fun! Plus, I'm sick of just seeing my own voice bubbles in the scrolling thingy... :)

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Image and skin styling by: the butterfly
Skin coding by: vanessa lee hamlen
This is a Flickr badge showing photos in a set called vlh_butterfly's photos. Make your own badge here.


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